An Unlikely Savior

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I hope you like spoilers, because today we need to talk about the greatest spoiler of all time: how the world ends.

(Spoiler: Jesus wins)

If you lived in the time of Jesus, you probably wouldn’t have treated him as a Savior. Like many of the unlikely fighters in the Bible, Jesus had everything going against him. He was a poor tradesman, who lived a nomadic lifestyle, had no legitimate father, which was an absolute curse in that society, and hung out with tax collectors and the outcasts of society. Think about His birth, when the first to be told were shepherds, who were at the absolute bottom of the social hierarchy.

Jesus gave up so much to save us. He was omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient and left them all behind to rescue a dead and dying world. Jesus, who once was able to do literally anything, needed to rely on the Father and the Spirit for His guidance and power.

Do you know of any other savior who was willing to give up everything and send themselves to the bottom of society for us? To suffer torture and an excruciating death for us?

Jesus went through all of this so we could be with Him eternally. The war is already won, but we’re still fighting for the souls of every single person on the battlefield of the world. Let’s stand up boldly in our faith like Deborah and Paul, accept the calling like David and Mary, and go out in the power of the Father and guidance of the Spirit, just as Jesus did.

We may know the end of the story, but the battle is ongoing.

We are already equipped with everything we need: the clear and simple Gospel message. At Dare 2 Share, we developed an acrostic that can help you memorize the full message of the Gospel, we also call it Life in 6 Words.

God created us to be with Him.

Our sins separate us from God.

Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.

Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.

Everyone who trust in Him alone has eternal life.

Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

Check out the free Life in 6 Words app for more ways to share the Gospel. Be bold as you share the good news about our unlikely savior with the world!


My book, Unlikely Fighter, is out now!


I’m super excited about sharing it with all of you. It tells the story of my childhood and showed me that He had called me to be His Unlikely Fighter.

Pick up a copy today! Available through all major retailers and the Dare 2 Share Store.

This post is part of my series “Unlikely Fighters of the Bible.”

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