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Chicago Shreddin’

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

The Sears Center was rocking and shreddin’ this weekend. Almost 5,000 teenagrs gathered to be mobilizied to evangelize. Suffice it to say that God did a great work. It is a joy to invest in the lives of teenagers and into the lives of those who invest in teenagers.

I can’t help but think of one young man in particular who came up to me last night after the program was over to tell me that he trusted in Jesus at Dare 2 Share a few years ago and that now he was in training to become a missionary with New Tribes Mission. This was one story of many changed lives. To be honest hearing these stories is “pay day” for me and our staff at D2S.

Do you have a story to share? Maybe you trusted in Jesus at the conference. Perhaps you are shreddin the gnar with one of your friends. Whatever your story I want to hear it. You can be sure that hundreds of thousands of others adults like me are praying for you right now as you seek to put into practice what you learned at the conference.

Keep shreddin’

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