My 10 favorite memories from the St. Louis “Reverse” Conference

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

St Louis1. The powerful response time on Friday night (tons of teenagers made decisions!)

2. My kids Face-timing me while I was on stage with Propaganda and Zane on Saturday afternoon trying to tell me our lizard died (I turned down the sound on my phone so I wasn’t sure what was going on.)

3. The awkward moment in the youth leader session when someone stood up and interrupted the meeting to “take the pledge.”

4. Hanging out with good friends and my Uncle Bob (and family) before, during and after the conference.

5. “I have a knife!” (had to be there)

6. Not being able to get Desperation Band‘s worship songs out of my head…along with 5,000 others who were there last weekend.

7. St. Louis barbecue

8. Co-teaching the Saturday afternoon session with Zane and Propaganda (“Pop! Pop! Pop!“)

9. The look in the youth leaders’ eyes while I’m praying for them (with our eyes open) in the youth leaders’ session.

10. The prayer time on Saturday night (especially the open microphone time and Korean-style prayer!)

What were your favorite memories of the St. Louis #D2SReverse Conference?

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