1. Being picked off the ground and threatened by a drunk guy when I was 12 years old sharing Christ in a mall. He barked, “This better not be a joke.” I responded “It’s not a joke. It’s not a joke” in my falsetto-level adolescent voice.
2. Having a Hindu school principal in India try to rip the microphone out of my hand while I was preaching the gospel at a Catholic school I was invited to preach at. He did not succeed.
3. Choking a teeth-baring, angry large dog with a screen door while inviting it’s owner out to church. She declined.
4. Sharing Jesus with various nurses while my mom was slowly passing away for forty days in hospice. When one would enter her room my mom would say to them, “My son’s got something to tell you” which was my cue to share the good news.
5. Sharing the gospel with a drunk teenager I happened to meet, giving him a More than a Carpenter book to read when he sobered up. Expecting no response. Shocked by him meeting with me 10 years later. Having read the book, he trusted in Jesus after our first encounter. He now carries More than a Carpenter books in the trunk of his car to pass out to teenagers he happens to meet.
6. Being able to lead a Muslim man to Christ after he watched The Jesus Film. “I came here tonight a Muslim. I leave a Christian” was what he said to me before he collapsed into my arms and wept.
7. Being threatened by a pagan with a Samurai sword in a witchcraft store called “Abra Cadabra” after sharing the gospel with him. Yes, that really happened. And, by the way, I ran.
8. I shared the gospel with award winning Christian music artist Wayne Watson when I was 15 years old. I was a little fundamentalist teenager and just wanted to make sure this new-fangled Christian rock guy was really saved. He was. And, yes, I know I’m a geek.
9. Sharing the gospel with an entire gang called “The Condors” (back when gangs had goofy names) when I was in middle school and being shocked by their positive response to the gospel.
10. Leading my mom to Jesus when I was a teenager. She never thought God could forgive her for all that she had done (partier, married several times, almost aborted me, etc) but that day God got her and she crossed the line of faith for good.
Well, these are some of my craziest evangelism experiences. Do you have any to share?