Dare to make a year-end gift toward reaching every teen everywhere with the Gospel!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Why take this dare? Here are 5 big reasons:

1. It will exponentially advance the kingdom of God.

I can’t help but think of Chelsea. She came to a D2S conference in Columbus and was set on fire for the gospel. That year she lead 17 of her friends to Christ. The next year she brought many of these friends to Dare 2 Share and they were mobilized to share the gospel too! Evangelism training is the gift that keeps on giving and your gift to and through Dare 2 Share will do the same.


2. It will make the Devil mad.500 years ago Richard Baxter, the great Puritan preacher, said, “Satan will seek to do the most harm to those who seek to do his kingdom the most damage.” So if you want to tick the Devil off then give toward a ministry that is going to make a big dent in his dark domain.

When you make a gift to mobilize teens to reach their friends with the message and mission of Jesus you are pulling the lion’s tail and making him roar (1 Peter 5:8,9.) How fun and dangerous is that?

3. It unleashes champions for THE Cause.

Right now we have almost 70,000 people on our Facebook page who are champions for THE Cause of advancing the Gospel!! Many of these are Dare 2 Share donors, youth leaders, volunteers and teenagers who are saying “yes!” to THE Cause of making disciples who make disciples on every high school and middle school in America.

God is building a coalition of Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Non Denoms and a ton of others who are uniting around the catalytic, transformational cause of Christ! Your gift helps to ensure that this united effort continues to go and grow.

4. It is efficient and effective.

At Dare 2 Share we’re not a big fan of waste. Our goal is to take every dime that God gives us through His people and use it with maximum impact for His glory. We have been members of the ECFA (The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) for years and have been consistently rated as “very good” with Charity Navigator. Why? Because we take donations seriously. These donations are gifts from God through our donors and we want to make the most of them for the strategic and exponential advancement of His purposes on earth.

5. It will transform you.

This is the biggest benefit of giving to Dare 2 Share Ministries. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 6 that “where your treasure is there will your heart be also.” When you give in the right way (secretly) for the right reasons (to advance the kingdom) to the right causes (I’ll let you and the Holy Spirit figure this one out) then you are transformed in the process of making that gift. Think about that for a moment. This kind of giving transforms the kingdom but transforms you just as much!

Jesus goes on in Matthew 6 to talk about how the right brand of giving opens your eyes to kingdom priorities and deepens your commitment to the King of kings. F

It also transforms you because it invites you to do something other than give. It beckons you to become a co-laborer in ministry. In our instance, it invites you to mobilize a teenager you know for THECause. This kind of giving asks for the check to come with a hand attached to it.

In light of these five reasons I am asking you to make the most generous gift that you can to Dare 2 Share Ministries before the strike of midnight on December 31st. You may notice that among these reasons there is no air of crisis or “we need your donation now more than ever” statements. Why? Is it because we aren’t struggling? No! We are struggling along with most other non profit organizations to make ends meet financially. But I believe that “the sky is falling” type of chicken little fundraising appeals tend to put the focus on the organization rather than the mission (or, in our case, “THE Cause”) and they often lack the sense of strong faith in God to do what only He can do…provide.

So give, not because we need it. Give because you want to mobilize teenagers for THE Cause through us! Give because you want to transform the kingdom and be transformed in the process!

Stop and pray right now if God would have you make a strategic investment in the kingdom of God through Dare 2 Share Ministries. You can make a gift by clicking here.

I’ve given you five good reasons to make a year-end gift to Dare 2 Share. In your heart ask the Lord if there is one good reason you shouldn’t.

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