Happy Birthday Zane

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

The clock strikes hard and he wakes up,
Struggling toward the first day’s cup
Of cool guy coffee and styling gel
So he can keep teens out of hell.

Zane’s turning 30.

He’s still preserved and feeling fine
With no wrinkles or deep creased lines
That would mar his face and call him old
He’s still so cool. I’m feeling old.

Zane’s turning 30.

A rock star preacher on the rise.
He struggles not with fatty thighs
Or arthritis or bad knees or hearing loss or things like these.
I’m not bitter. I am pleased…

Zane’s turning 30.

So happy birthday my young friend.
You’ll rock the pulpit once again.
And although one day you’ll be old.
You’ll still be cool (or so I’m told)
And I will be really old,
Covered in a crusty mold,
But preaching truth that is fresh and bold


Who am I kidding? I’ll be dead.

Seriously, happy birthday Zane! I count it an honor to be your friend and co-worker in mobilizing teenagers for THE Cause!

Join me in wishing Zane Black a happy, happy birthday!

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