Will you join THE Cause?

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

We believe God is initiating a movement among teenagers to mobilize teenagers on all of the 67,000 high school and middle school campuses in America . We are seeking to inspire and equip these teenagers to relationally and relentlessly reach their friends with the gospel. Dare 2 Share will be helping launch THE Cause this fall with students, youth leaders, adult Champions and anyone who will listen! Our goal is to raise $300,000 by then and to have half of that by June 30th which is the end of our fiscal year. By God’s grace we have already raised $87,500, meaning there is only $62,500 to go!

Would you spend some time seeking God about what He might lay on your heart to give towards THE Cause before next Tuesday? Imagine hundreds of thousands of Christian teens inspired, equipped and unleashed to lead the charge for an awakening with their friends at their own schools! You can get involved through giving by going to our website here: https://www.dare2share.org/donate/ or sending a check to Dare 2 Share Ministries PO Box 745323, Arvada, CO 80006-5323.

Another way you can get involved (other than prayer of course!) is by signing up for Mission Mobilize, a monthly e-mail from me to you which will give you a tool, resource or idea to mobilize at least one teenager you know for evangelistic action! To sign up for Mission Mobilize click here.

THANK you for being a co-laborer with us in seeing God’s people (in this case teenagers) effectively equipped to reach their friends with the gospel. Please feel free to post any questions you may have about THE Cause below. I am excited!

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