Get the Word out before school’s out

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

“School’s out for summer
School’s out forever
School’s been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher’s dirty looks.”
School’s out for the Summer, Alice Cooper.

Sorry Alice. Teens still have a few more weeks of school left. And what that means for youth leaders is that you have a few weeks to help your teens get the Word out.

Help them get the Word out about hope.

Suicide, cutting and depression await many teens this summer. Alone in their rooms with too much time to waste, wonder and worry many self-conscious/absorbed teenagers will give into the pain that lurks deep inside them. They need to hear the hope that the gospel has for them before school gets out.

Help them get the Word out about forgiveness.

The bile of bitterness is what some teens marinate in during the hot summer months. Perhaps they’ve been hurt or abused and now, unforgiveness holds them hostage. But when they hear the good news they can break free. They can forgive because they’ve been forgiven.

Help them get the Word out about Jesus.

Jesus is “the way and the truth and the life” and he is the only way to God. When teens trust in this simple GOSPEL message they can be saved from the hell they are headed to and the one they may be going through right now.

Inspire your teens to get the Word out (literally.) Equip them to share their faith. Have them download the Dare 2 Share app to get started. Then challenge them to engage gospel conversations with their friends before the final bell rings.

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

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