How to Unite for the Cause of Christ

No ministry can single-handedly reach their community with the Gospel. Use the “5 G’s” to find like-minded ministries to partner with.
Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier
How to Unite for the Cause of Christ by joining with others in Gospel advancing

How amazing would it be if every soul in your community heard the Gospel, had a chance to respond in faith, and was able to get connected and grow with a Christ-centered body of believers?

At Dare 2 Share, we call that a bold vision—a massive, Gospel Advancing goal that can be accomplished only through God’s strength and by partnering with other believers outside of your church or ministry.


But how do you find and vet other churches and ministries to join you in striving toward that bold vision? What other leaders should you network with to reach your community for Jesus?

Should Baptists and charismatics unite for the cause of Christ? Methodists and Pentecostals? What about Presbyterians and Catholics?

At Dare 2 Share, we encourage what we call “5 G Theology” as the theological basis for a unified, multi-church push toward fulfilling the Great Commission in our communities.

These 5 G’s cover the essentials of the historic Christian faith in a simple, easy-to-remember way, and provide a basic framework of agreement that allows believers across denominations to work together to build Christ’s Kingdom.


1. GOD

God is. He is holy, just, merciful, loving, eternal, righteous, and so much more. He is one God, existing in three distinct, divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Jesus is fully God and fully human, yet without sin. He died in our place for our sin on the cross, rose physically from the dead, and will return physically to Earth.


He is the third Person of the Trinity, who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment; indwells believers to empower them for life, service, and witness; and seals us until the Day of Redemption.


The Bible is inspired, inerrant, and, therefore, in charge. It’s to be fully trusted on every matter it touches, because it was “breathed out” by God Himself through the men He ordained and guided to author it.


The Gospel tells the whole story of creation, from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. It’s a clear and simple message that deeply and profoundly impacts those who receive it by faith. It can be summarized in this acrostic:

God created us to be with Him.

Our sins separate us from God.

Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.

Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.

Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life.

Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.


The 5 G’s provide the foundation for pastors and youth leaders to unite with other pastors and youth leaders in their city, for the sake of advancing the Gospel.

Like five weight-bearing columns holding up a building, each is essential. If one of them falls, the unity fails. The group crosses the line from biblical unity to anemic ecumenicalism.

When explaining the 5 G’s to youth leaders, I hold up my hand, spread out my fingers and say:

“If we agree on these five essentials, we can all put our hands in the middle for the sake of seeing every teen, everywhere in our community, hear the Gospel from a friend. We can work together, pray for each other, share ideas and resources, and mobilize our teens to make sure every school is covered with fully trained teen missionaries. The one rule is that, when we gather, we don’t bring secondary issues to debate at this table. Where someone stands on the sign gifts, the return of Christ (pre-, mid-, post-, pan-), modes of baptism, and the like, is not the concern for this networking roundtable. What is the concern, beyond basic theological integrity, is the salvation of every young soul in our city.”


May the 5 G’s help you unite, fight, and ignite: 

✅ Unite with other solid churches in your community.

✅ Fight to win every last soul in your city.

✅ Ignite a movement of biblical proportions that shakes your community with the Gospel!

Hands in the middle!

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