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Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Holy Haircuts BatmanHoly Haircuts Batman…my folicles are gone.

While staying at the Hyatt Regency by the Scotttrade Center in St. Louis I strolled into a mall at Union Square to get some hair gel. While there I got talked into getting a trim (not a cut.) Instead I got a cut (not a trim.) I haven’t been this bald since I came out of the womb. I look like an army recruiter.

My wife who is always trying to get me to grow my hair out is going to shout (Honey if you are reading this it’s not my fault!)

Kenny, the nice man who talked me into getting my hair trimmed sat me down in the chair, turned me around and began to cut. I didn’t see myself again until he whirled me around to look in the mirror. The only words that came out of my mouth were “Holy Crud” (sorry for the Christian school cuss word there.)

I was shocked. I was stunned. I was ready to recruit soldiers for the army.

On the bright side the breezes feel breezier. And I’ve discovered that I have a handsome scalp.

When you think about it, I guess I am an army recruiter…an army for the Lord. Difference is we use love instead of bullets, Bibles instead of bombs and are fighting against Satan instead of people. This weekend in St. Louis (with my new aerodynamic haircut) I’m going to be recruiting thousands of teens to fight against Satan and his demonic posse as we share the love of Jesus with everyone we meet.

Remember Satan is out to defeat you. He comes armed with temptations and trimmers…ready to cut us all down to size. But through God’s grace (rogain for the soul) we shall overcome. And believe me overcoming is better than combing over.

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