Venti Jesus Please! endorsements needed

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

If you read my book Venti Jesus Please! and wouldn’t mind giving it an endorsement I would be deeply grateful. We are entering it into the Outreach Awards contest. This annual affair evaluates the most effective outreach products in different categories (Children, Youth, Adults, etc.)By God’s grace and because of a crack team of researchers here at D2S my little red book, Dare 2 Share…A Field Guide for Sharing your Faith took first place in the youth category last year.

But as excited as I am about the little red book with a white cross on it, I’m just as excited about the little white book with a coffee cup on it. Why? Because God is using it in my own sphere of influence to create the conversation. One of my neighbors trusted in Christ through it and others are talking about it. At the Starbucks I go to the baristas are reading it and passing it on to friends. I have to keep re-stocking them. The opportunities God has given me through this book have been many and powerful.

If this book has ministered to you or to someone you know please write an endorsement for it in the comments below. We are self publishing this book and I’d love it to win its category this year. We are always up against stiff competetion (that are usually marketed by multi million dollar publishing companies) so I need all the help I can get for this book to win. Okay, so I’m competitive. But hopefully for the right reasons. If this book wins it could help boost sales and with every sale the ministry advances. I’ve never taken a dime from my book sales so every penny of profit that comes in helps us transform more teenagers to win their world through Christ.

Would you take a minute and type out a little endorsement for Venti Jesus Please! Please?

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