10 reasons why youth ministry is SO worth it!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

dare-2-share-conferenceThis one’s for all the full-time, part-time and volunteer youth leaders out there relentlessly grinding it out to see teenagers transformed for Christ. Sure, sometimes youth ministry can be discouraging but every late night text (from that struggling teen), early morning prayer time (on behalf of your youth group) and midday call into the pastor’s office (for that hole in the wall from last night’s youth meeting) is worth it. Here’s 10 reasons why:

1. All the leftover pizza you can eat!

2. The moment when “that kid” gets it for the first time and put’s his/her faith in Jesus.

3. Friday night campfires at the end of a week of camp (tearful testimonies, yummy s’mores and guitar-led praise songs…does it get any better?)

4. When that lesson you were worried about not connecting with your students connects in deeper ways than you ever expected.

5. Um, you kind of get to play games as part of your job!

6. When the pastor looks you in the eye and says, “you are doing a great job here” (followed by you passing out.)

7. Watching teenagers you’ve discipled share their faith for the first time.

8. Rolling in the church van like a gangsta with Lecrae blaring on the not-so-great speakers.

9. Lock-ins…strike that, the pancake breakfast at the end of the lock-in.

10. That feeling at the end of a great youth group night as you lay in bed and remember the reason you got into youth ministry in the first place.

It is worth it. It’s SO worth it!

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