Since I found out that Nicolae CeauÅŸescu and I could be related (see previous post) revolution has gone from a simmer to a boil in my soul. Blood ties to Romanian dictators will do that.
But the revolution I’m talking about is not political (although it will have political impact). It is not moral (although it could lead to moral reformation). No, the revolution I’m talking about is the revolution of the soul that can only come through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And where does revolution take place? Before it spills over into the streets it boils over in the soul. When Gypsy Smith revolutionary evangelist from Britain was asked by a young pastor, “How do I start a revival at my church? his answer was powerful. He replied, “Go home and get a piece of chalk. Go into your closet and draw a circle on the floor. Kneel down in the middle of the circle and ask God to start the revival inside the chalk mark. When He has answered your prayer, the revival has begun.”
What I have begun to realize is that revolution will not start with big arena events like we do at Dare 2 Share. It will start with one adult, one youth leader and one teenager with a piece of chalk. It will start when you and I choose to live the revolution, to be the revolution in our own homes, neighborhood and work places.
Just like God whittled down an army of 32,000 to 300 so that he could show himself powerful in defeating an army that probably numbered in the hundreds of thousands, God desires to use small squadrons of spiritual revolutionaries to beat down the overwhelming forces of the Evil One that stand against them.
With that in mind this week I’m starting a podcast series called “”300 Strong”. I’m going to be unveiling our plan for the revolution of youth ministry through a grass roots movement of 300 chalk wielding rebels who will be the revolution in their own spheres of influence.
My goal is to find 300 revolutionary adults across the nation who will commit themselves to live out six areas of youth ministry revolution:
1. Pray for the spiritual transformation of the next generation.
2. Set the pace for the next generation by going wide with the gospel personally.
3. Set the example for the next generation by growing deep in your relationship with God.
4. Train your own children to grow deep and go wide.
5. Energize and equip teenagers to evangelize and mobilize their world for Christ.
6. Financially invest in teen focused, Great Commission causes.
I’m looking for 300 revolutionaries across the nation who will commit themselves these six principles. As this unfolds over the next few months in our Dare 2 Share Uncensored Podcasts you will discover how you can get your very own Dare 2 Share 300 Strong MAP (Mutual Accountability Plan). This simpe MAP will help you live out the revolution in practical and powerful ways.
Our board has committed to doing these MAPs so we can keep each other accountable. And I’m going to be inviting every person on our staff to do the same during this podcast series.
So stay tuned to D2S Uncensored Podcasts over the next several weeks. You will learn how you can start the revolution in your own life and pass it on to your kids, your kids friends, your friends kids and the youth group at your church.
You say you want a revolution? Well here we go. But be warned. Like every true revolution this one comes with a pricetag…everything.