10 things a lead pastor never wants to hear from a youth pastor

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Youth Pastors1. “Just what exactly is a youth ministry budget again?”

2. “But the kid smarted off to me. That’s the only reason I tazed him.”

3. “Isn’t ‘exegesis’ some kind of skin condition?”

4. “Our outreach this week? Paint ball in the church auditorium!”

5. “But once we realized we had left him alone at camp we turned around and got him.”

6. “Yes teens text in the service, but not because they’re rude. It’s just because they’re bored with the sermon.”

7. “About that raise….”

8. “God told me to tell you __________________ (insert anything here.)”

9. “Can we have youth Sunday once a month?”

10. “I just told that so called ‘tither’ to find another church if he doesn’t like the way I do youth ministry.”

What else does a lead pastor never want to hear from a youth pastor?

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