How to have The Best (Ministry) Year Ever

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Best Year Ever WebinarWhat if this year was the year?

The year you stopped reading about revivals and started participating in one!

The year that your teenagers turned the corner and then turned their schools upside down for Jesus!

The year that this whole youth ministry thing finally clicked!

I believe that this can be your best ministry year ever. And that’s why I’m THRILLED to let you know about an upcoming webinar where I’ll be unpacking just that.

During this FREE, interactive (and very cool online event) you will discover some of the best practices of other youth ministries across the nation when it comes to ministry impact. You will also learn a handful of practical action steps you can take to accelerate the discipleship process in your teenagers by accelerating relational evangelism through your teenagers.

You’ll discover…

-How to bookend your school year with events that unleash the power of intercessory prayer and the right kind of event-based evangelism.

-How to equip your teenagers to engage in gospel conversations throughout the school year.

-How to embody your priorities as a leader and equip your adult and student leaders to do the same.

Why not invite your youth leader network to participate in this and together make this the best (ministry) year ever?

Sign up here to secure your spot for this fun, fast-moving and, potentially, game-changing webinar.

It’s coming up on August 19th so sign up soon!

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

You are meant for more. God has called you to live a radical life for Him — one that makes a lasting impact on this world. Like Jesus did.

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