Jeremy’s First Day of School

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Yesterday was my little boy’s first day of Kindergarten. It was bittersweet to see him sitting in his little chair taking in his big surroundings. I get nervous when it comes to Jeremy. Although he loves to learn and is a very sweet spirited little boy, he is the same kid who pulled a fire alarm at an airport after I had preached at a Promise Keepers event three years ago.

It’s weird. It seems like yesterday we got the news that my wife was pregnant. That was a miracle in and of itself (for those of you haven’t heard the story suffice it to say that conceiving was a struggle for my wife and I for the first ten years or so of our marriage.) But now that little miracle is walking, talking, running, playing, making his parents laugh…and going to school.

If the way I feel in my heart about Jeremy and our two year old Kailey is just a taste of how our Heavenly Father feels about us then we are truly loved with an everlasting, indescribable love. I wonder what our “first day of school” is to God? Maybe its when we go through our first significant trial. Maybe its when we share our faith for the very first time with a friend. Whatever it is to God I’m sure that the bittersweet feelings in his great big heart are infinitely more intense than the ones in mine when Debbie and I left our little boy at school yesterday for the very first time.

Thank you Daddy for loving us!

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