Ministry Mutiny Principle 1 – Listen for God’s Whisper

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

“God’s primary way of speaking to his people is not through the big, the loud and the spectacular, not through the showdowns on Mt. Carmel or through our big youth events. God’s primary way of speaking to his people is through the subtle motions and movements of His Spirit in our daily lives. He ‘speaks’ to us all the time in a gentle whisper, but the sound of life drowns it out. The clatter of life… grueling meetings, our weekly youth group talks, demanding pastors and board, staff meetings, anything and everything in the fast-moving ministry culture of speed and noise and toys, seems to get louder and louder and louder, drowning out the whisper. And when the sound finally dies down what do we do? We go home and turn on the television and watch it for hours. Meanwhile God is whispering. But we can’t hear him over the white noise of life and ministry.”

Ty sat stunned, nailed right between the eyes. “So how do I hear the whisper of God?”

excerpt from Ministry Mutiny…A Youth Leader Fable


  • How do you hear the whisper of God and why is it important?
  • Is his whisper an actual voice or does he communicate to us nonverbally?
  • How much time do you spend in God’s Word, prayer and deep thinking in the average day?
  • Why is it important to make time to listen for God’s whisper in the clatter of our busy lives?

Comment on the 6 Youth Ministry Principles of Ministry Mutiny

  1. Listen for God’s Whisper
  2. Get Real
  3. Go Wide
  4. Grow Deep
  5. No More Outsourcing!
  6. Build on Values, Not Fads
  7. What principles did I miss, get wrong, understate or overstate?

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