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With my Arizona friends

Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Today I’m in Phoenix with youth leader friends from Arizona. I am SO excited to see what God is going to do today through the trainings we are going to experience together.

Mike Gaines (Dare 2 Share Youth Ministry Architect) and I (Dare 2 Share Youth Ministry Spaz) are going to double wammy the training sessions today. We are going to cover Ministry Mutiny principles and a new training called “The X Factor”.

Pray that God uses it to eXponentially advance the fame of His Name across this great state.

It was 109 degrees yesterday and it’s only going to be 91 degrees today!

Unlikely Fighter

#1 new release in Evangelism on Amazon

The story of how a fatherless street kid overcame violence, chaos, and confusion to become a radical Christ follower.

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