The Ultimate 1–2 Punch for Your Fall Youth Ministry Calendar

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier
The Ultimate 1-2 Punch to Kick off your Fall Youth Ministry Calendar

1–2 punch combo: a combination of two blows delivered in rapid succession in boxing, especially a left lead followed by a right cross OR an especially forceful or effective combination or sequence of two things.

Let’s go with the second definition, although, especially with some of our more rowdy teenagers, we’ve been tempted to use the first. 😉



If you want an especially forceful or effective combination of two things to kick off your fall calendar, start with See You at the Pole. For nearly 35 years, this amazing prayer movement has given teenagers a rallying point (the flagpole in front of their schools) to gather and pray for revival in their lives, at their schools, for their nation, and for this world.

When God’s people pray, it moves God’s heart, so get your teenagers to gather and pray. Get them to call out to God for a spiritual awakening that will erupt in their own hearts and spread like a wildfire from coast to coast!


What’s the second part of this 1–2 combo? Dare 2 Share LIVE! Just a few weeks after See You at the Pole, Dare 2 Share LIVE will take place all over the world! This global day of youth evangelism will unite youth ministries for the purpose of activating young people to share their faith. At this event, teenagers will be energized and mobilized to Gospelize their friends and their communities.

Dare 2 Share LIVE is a free youth ministry video event available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. It will help grow the Kingdom, as teenagers learn how to share the Good News with their friends and then immediately go do it their communities!


When a prayer movement like See You at the Pole and a share-the-Gospel movement like Dare 2 Share LIVE work in tandem on your calendar, great things happen in the lives of your teenagers.

It’s a 1–2 punch right on the nose of Satan!

So get your teenagers out to See You at the Pole and sign up your teens for Dare 2 Share LIVE! It’s the ultimate 1–2 combo for your fall calendar.

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