10 ways to guarantee a massive evangelistic #Fail

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

1. Dress up like a Storm Trooper, rush into a crowded theater on opening night of The Force Awakens and scream, “The Force of God’s love is with you all…his name is Jesus!”

2.  Just keep chanting, “Say this prayer!”

3.  Randomly yell “heresy!” when they share their spiritual views.

4.  Focus on giving them an evangelistic presentation instead of engaging them in a Gospel conversation.

5.  Speak first, last and always. Listening is for losers.

6.  Scream “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” if they share something that differs with the Gospel message.

7.  Shove a King James Version of the Bible into their chest and say, “Read this first and then let’s talk.”

8.  Refuse to talk about sin.

9.  Add small print to the free gift of God’s grace (“Sure salvation is a free gift but…”)

10. If they say “It’s hot in here” you say “It’s hot in hell too!”

What are some other ways to guarantee a massive evangelistic fail when sharing your faith?

By the way if you want to help your teenagers become more effective at sharing the Good News of Jesus you should check out Dare 2 Share’s Live it Up tour coming to a city near you this Spring!

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