5 simple ways to share Christ this Christmas

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Christmas is one of the holidays where engaging others in a Gospel conversation can be easier and more natural. It is a time of sharing laughter, food and, of course, gifts. Christmas TimeAnd there is no better gift to be shared than the Good News of Jesus. He truly is the reason for the season!

Here are 5 simple ways to share Christ this Christmas:

1. Invite another family to go with you to Christmas Eve services and use it as a Gospel conversation starter.

If there’s ever a time people are pre-conditioned to go to church it’s on Christmas Eve. The Christmas story becomes an excellent entry point to the Gospel message. Maybe have them over for some eggnog afterward and ask a question like, “So why do you think the story of Jesus’ birth is so important to so many churches?” or “What was the most meaningful part of the service to you?” Both of these questions can become a jumping off point for a deeper Gospel conversation.

2.  Write someone a personal letter that explains the Gospel in the context of Christmas.

There’s nothing more powerful than a hand-written, heartfelt letter. A letter is both personal and permanent (because typically people don’t throw hand-written letters away!) The entire book of John was a hand-written letter primarily written to those who had not yet believed in Jesus. That’s why the Apostle wrote, “These things were written that you might believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that by belieeing you may have life through his name” (John 20:31.)

At some point you can make the “salvation seque” with a phrase like, “During this Christmas season I cannot help but be thinking of you and how much you mean to me. Because you mean so much I wanted to share something that means the most to me…my relationship with Jesus.”

3.  Send someone a link to a short video that clearly shares the Gospel.

There are many great videos that can be used to share the good news of Jesus this holiday season. Here are just a few:

  • Life in 6 words…This spoken word piece from our good friend Propaganda is clear, compelling and, well, very cool. It is truly a viral video which millions of believers and non-believers alike have seen. Check it out here.
  • Falling Plates…This is a visually stunning presentation of the Good News that will be sure to capture people’s attention. Check it out here.
  • Something Amazing…This animated presentation of the Gospel is short and sweet (2 minutes) but gets the job done! Check it out here.

4.  Have a meal and movie night.

Invite some family, friends or neighbors over for a meal and movie night. You could start with a funny one (A Christmas Story?) and follow it up with a movie that could spark a Gospel conversation over hot cocoa (The Nativity Story?) 

There’s nothing like a meal together and a few laughs to open the door for a deeper conversation about the thing that matters most…our relationship with Jesus!

5.  Just have the conversation.

Not to be too simplistic but maybe, just maybe, it’s time to just bring it up. Ask the person God has placed on your heart where they are spiritually, what their view of God is and what they think about this whole “Jesus thing.” After all it’s Christmas. His Name is central to the celebration. 

Then, after you listen to them deeply, share with them honestly about why you’re a Christian. Be upfront about how much Jesus means to you. If you need some help you can download the LIfe in 6 Words app (free on iTunes and Google Play) and walk them through the stunning visuals. Or you can just explain the Gospel message as clearly and compellingly as you can. The Holy Spirit will be with you every step of the way!

 What are some other ideas for sharing Christ at Christmas?



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