5 Reasons I love Youth Ministry

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I’ve been involved with youth ministry in one form or another (volunteer, intern, leader) for over 30 years. Even when I was a lead pastor I still considered myself a youth pastor with a bigger budget and a tad more authority.

I love youth ministry. As I’ve said before, you can get into youth ministry and get out. But once youth ministry gets inside you, you can never leave…even if your job role changes.


Here are 5 reasons I love youth ministry:

1.  Teenagers

There’s something about those Red-Bull-fueled, adrenaline-filled young souls that smack of danger and potential. I love the fact that Jesus most likely chose teenagers to be his disciples (Matthew 17:24-27, Exodus 30:14) and that he entrusted the reaching of the world with men who could barely grow a beard.

2.  Youth Leaders

Most youth leaders I know didn’t get into youth ministry for the pay, but for the pay-off. They want to see non-reached teenagers reached and believing teenagers grow in Christ. Their starrry-eyed idealism to make a difference continues to inspire me. 

3.  Activism

We live in what some have dubbed, “The Cause Generation.” From stopping human-trafficking to feeding the hungry to providing wells for the thirsty, this generation gets that it’s not about sitting around playing games but going out and making a difference. When teenagers turn that activist gene toward the Gospel, then not only is the world made a better place through need-based activism, but souls are saved and disciples are multiplied!

4.  Worship

Teenagers today know how to worship. Like no other time I can remember in youth ministry worship has been mainstreamed. More and more teenagers don’t just sit there and watch…they participate! There’s nothing like a group of teenagers singing at the top of their lungs about how much they love Jesus! This re-kindles the coals of a technologically-addicted, social media-filled, homework-packed week back on Jesus.

5.  Potential

There are one billion(ish) teenagers worldwide. What if? What if churches around the world inspired, equipped and unleashed their Christian teenagers to reach them all? Between teen activism and technology it could happen. Fueled by prayer and the power of the Spirit it could happen! And I am convinced it will happen!

By God’s grace let’s energize the church to mobilize this generation to Gospelize their world…until every teen in the world hears the Gospel from a friend.

By the way, on September 23rd teenagers will have an excellent opportunity to do just that. Dare 2 Share Live, held in almost 70 cities across the nation, will inspire, equip and mobilize up to 50,000 teenagers to share Jesus from coast to coast in one day!

Check out what Doug Fields and Josh Griffin have to say about it…

Click here to find the closest host site near you and sign your teenagers up!

I love youth ministry.I love youth leaders. I love teenagers, their sense of activism, awe in worship and sheer potential.

Why do you love youth ministry?

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