10 Reasons why Dare 2 Share Live could be the most unique (and powerful) event your youth group will ever experience

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Dare 2 Share Live is fast approaching. On September 23rd we will, by God’s grace, gather 50,000 teenagers in 69 locations across the nation to inspire, equip and unleash them to pray for, care for and share the gospel with the people in their cities and on their social media feeds.

10-reasons-D2SL-is-powerful.jpgHere are 10 reasons why Dare 2 Share Live could be the most unique and powerful event your youth group will ever experience:

1.  It’s truly a live event.

There will be no one hour or two hour tape delay. East coast and West coast will be experiencing the same feed at the same time. There’s a reason for that (see # 5.)

2.  It’s a national event.

There are host churches from Fairbanks, Alaska to Puerto Rico. Originally our goal was 50 churches but God raised up 69 to impact their cities for Jesus.

3.  It’s a local event.

Because there are so many cities represented, the churches in and around those host sites will be able to serve their own communities in visceral and powerful ways. It’s a national event with local impact…which is very unique!

4.  Teenagers will be serving their cities while sharing the Gospel.

Teenagers will be mobilized to collect canned food to feed hurting, hungry familes (including Hurricane Irma victims) while sharing the Good News of Jesus with those they are collecting canned food from door-to-door. This is more than a service project. It’s a “serve and share” project that seeks to meet both physical and spiritual needs.

5.  Teenagers will be able to talk to each other through the Live app.

A Dare 2 Share Live app will allow teenagers in New York to talk to teens in California because they will all be experiencing the same training at the same time. Using the hashtag #LetsGo, these teens will be able to create a national buzz on social media over the training they are receiving.

6.  The outreach will be technological as well as face-to-face.

On the Live app, teenagers will be able to upload Gospel conversation starting videos and stills to their friends and their feed. These videos do not give the Gospel but they do open the door to a natural Gospel conversation with their online friends.

7.  Some great artists/speakers will be leading the way from the live site in Denver.

My good friends Propaganda and Zane Black will be inspiring and training (along with yours truly). The Skit Guys will provide comic relief as well as a few through provoking, heart touching sketches. Tenth Avenue North will help to lead the worship party. 

8.  Some great worship leaders/emcees will be leading the way from the host sites.

Each host site will have their own worship band and highly trained emcee (who will do some key hands-on training at their own specific host site!). So every event will be a live experience in and of itself!  We will pipe in some inspiration and sketches and stuff from Denver, but each site will have their own city swagger unique to them.

9.  It’s an event that has “the pole position.

Because it’s the weekend before See You At The Pole it’s a great opportunity to get teenagers pumped up to pray! Teenagers will be challenged at Dare 2 Share Live to, not only attend See You At The Pole, but to bring the new believers they led to Jesus at the Live event with them!

10.  It could be a rally point for revival.

During the last portion of the program we will challenge teenagers to allow God to bring revival through them to their campuses, churches and communities. We will spend time all praying out loud to God from coast to coast asking God to bring revival to the United States through a generation of young people.

These are ten reasons why Dare 2 Share Live could be the most unique (and powerful) event that your youth group ever attends. Don’t miss it. September 23rd is approaching quickly. Click here to register your teenagers now.


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