A Letter to Columbus

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Dear Columbus,

Here we come. We know you’ve had ice and snow storms earlier this week. We know you can be one cold city. But, through God’s power, we will not be stopped. We expect somewhere between 5,000-6,000 teenagers this weekend no matter what you bring weatherwise. These teens will melt your ice with their worship and set your streets ablaze with evangelism. They are invincible to your temperatures through the white hot might of their Savior. We heard the sun is supposed to be shining this weekend. Either way the Son will be shining through thousands of teenagers.

Get ready. Here comes the heat!


The Dare 2 Share Crew

P.S. Here’s a little taste of what to expect…

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

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