My June MAP

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

First, let me give a quick update to my goal for the month of May with Josh. I wanted to give him the College Daze article we featured in the May Mission Mobilize email. However, due to some of my crazy travels and personal calendar I have not been at church to connect with him. So, now its June, almost July, and I plan to make sure I see Josh and give him the article. In addition, this month I plan to give Josh the Pray, Persue, Persuade card and talk through with him how this tool applies in his world. I personally have taken my own summer challenge to Pray(pray for people who you know need Jesus), Pursue(“bring God up” some way), Persuade(for them to believe the Gospel message) 3 people. Pray for me as I begin this challenge and for God to bring great conversations with Ed, Connie and Wes. To learn how you can get more involved check out this link.

Radical Like Jesus

21 Challenges to Live a Revolutionary Life

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