10 lame excuses for not praying

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

1. “I’m too busy!” (Jesus had a packed ministry schedule but he made time to pray.)
2. “I don’t know how to do it right.” (How about just try talking to God like you would a friend?)
3. “It doesn’t work anyway.” (That’s not how Jesus or the early church treated it.)
4. “Prayer just changes us, not situations.” (Who told you that, the providence fairy? It changes both!)
5. “I don’t sound good when I pray.” (True prayer is a heart utterance, not a speech competition.)
6. “I’d rather read the Bible than pray.” (Without both it’s just a one way conversation.)
7. “God won’t take me seriously.” (Yeah, especially if you never talk to him. Start now!)
8. “It feels weird.” (So does the skin of a pineapple but it tastes great underneath.)
9. “People may mock me if they see me praying.” (Good! Persecution toughens you up! Matthew 5:11,12)
10.”I wouldn’t know where to begin.” (How about using the Lord’s prayer as a way to grease the tracks?)

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