3 Ways to become an Evangelism Artist

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

United-HeartsRecently, an article came out talking about The Art of Evangelism in relation to the business world. Using the Greek noun euangelion, which means “to proclaim good news”, the author dove into three effective skills to have and use when evangelizing for a company/business. As Christians, rather than evangelizing for a product or a service, we are called to proclaim the good news to others and to make disciples (Matthew 28:19), and, we too can make it an art form. Here are three simple skills you can develop and get creative with as you continue to share the Gospel with the people around you:

1. Become Best Buds with the Gospel message. Even the most matured Christian needs to revisit the basics of the gospel message. As humans, we are likely to forget details of the message, use phrases that are considered “christianese”, and speed up the sharing portion because “we know it so well”. The Good News should never be insignificant in our lives. Allow the message of the Gospel to fall fresh on your ears whenever you read or hear it.

For help in getting reacquainted with this power message download the free Dare 2 Share app. The short videos on this great little app will give you a fun and fast crash course on the Gospel so that you can, not only appreciate it afresh and anew, but explain it to others clearly.

2. Practice becoming a better listener. One of the strategies we use at Dare 2 Share to segue into a gospel conversation is “Ask, Admire, Admit“.

Ask – ask them questions about what they believe in order to understand them and break down any relational barriers that are keeping them from considering Jesus.

Admire – admire everything you can about what they believe in order to help people open up. Don’t affirm their heresy, just their honesty. Find areas of common ground you can compliment them on.

Admit – admit that the reason you are a Christian is because you know you’ve fallen short and need someone to rescue you. (That someone is Jesus!)

Notice how the first two steps have you pay attention mostly to the other person and what they are saying. Listening is crucial to relational evangelism.

3. Be willing to go outside of your comfort bubble. One of the scariest things about sharing your faith is getting started. As Christians, we need to get comfortable being uncomfortable, because truthfully, it’s going to happen…a lot. And when you are willing to be uncomfortable, you will begin to see unimaginable ways of God using you for His kingdom work.

How will you take a step closer to becoming an “Evangelism Artist” today?

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