“After they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and went out and spoke the Word of God boldly.” Acts 4:31
Maybe the original See You at The Pole event took place in Jerusalem…minus the flag…and the pole…but you get the idea. After the “school administrators” for the Temple (aka “the Sanhedrin”) threatened Peter and his fellow students to keep their mouths shut about Jesus they erupted into a spontaneous prayer meeting. Three things happened as a result:
1. The building was shaken with the power of prayer.
During this prayer rally they prayed for courage to continue to share the gospel in spite of the pending persecution that was unfolding. God gave a big “amen” to their prayers by unleashing a localized earthquake to shake the building. Quite simply, there was a whole lot of shaking going on in that room. The believers were shaken to their core by the power of the prayers going up and the power of God coming down.
As teenagers prayed around the pole this morning a spiritually seismic event was triggered at schools across the nation. My prayer is that it will crescendo into a 9.0 throughout the rest of the school year.
2. The believers were shaken with the power of the Spirit.
“…and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit….”
The earthquake in the building was nothing compared to the earthquake that was rumbling and rattling in their souls during that first See You at The Pole event. Prayer is the portal for us to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s when we ask God to take control of us and fill us with His purposes and power. When we pray for this it WILL happen because the faultline of faith will trigger it every time.
Without the Spirit our plans will flail and fail. With the Spirit our plans to reach our schools and neighborhoods with the good news of Jesus can’t help but succeed.
3. The city was shaken with the power of the Spirit!
“…and they went out and spoke the Word of God boldly.”
The epicenter started in the building and then rattled into their souls and, finally, shook their school, um, I mean city, with the gospel of Jesus. This is the pattern for revival. It starts with prayer, continues with the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit and culminates in entire communities being saturated with the gospel…thus perpetuating the earthquake.
My prayer is that the See You at The Pole event that took place this morning is the epicenter for a true revival at every school in America that reverberates out from these flag poles and transforms every teenager in every community with the good news of Jesus.
Go to everyschool.com and claim your campus if you haven’t. Go to dare2share.org if you need training. But, more than anything, go forth from your time of prayer and take the good news to every teenager you can in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Be relational. Be relentless. Be ready.
9.0 or bust…