Youth Specialties in Nashville

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Today, tomorrow and Saturday I’m in Nashville for Youth Specialities. YS is a youth leaders’ event that combines worship, drama, training, teaching, etc for youth leaders from the vast array of youth ministry specialists out there. I’ve been going to YS for years and it is a whole lot of fun. I love youth leaders and YS has got thousands of them.

This place is a virtual smorgashborg of different approaches, philosophies, theologies that hover around the wonderful world of youth ministry in a postmodern age. There are right wing reformed, devoted denominationalists, egalitarian emergent and eager evangelicals here. But, regardless of the these differences, there is an over-riding unity through Jesus Christ that trumps everything…for the most part.

Please pray that God uses my training seminar to encourage and equip everyone who attends my session regardless of their bent. Pray that I don’t cause too much trouble…like last year!

Either way it should be a lot of fun! YS always is.

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