Youth Specialties Sacramento

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I’m at the airport right now…just finishing up my time training at Youth Specialties in Sacramento. It was a great 32 hours here at YS. I got to teach “The X Factor…transforming your youth group through Deep and Wide ministry.” We had a pretty solid showing our for this late afternoon workshop. Today I was meeting with key friends and partners and got to do a podcast with Jonathan McKee. It was on “The 7 deadly sins of replacing sharing your faith with social justice.” It was about an overcorrection that I see transpiring in youth ministry that is moving almost completely away from proclamational evangelism and moving totally into the St. Francis evangelism-without-words kind. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for feeding the poor (last year Dare 2 Share attendees collected 125 tons of canned food for food banks across America!) We just need to make sure we feed the whole person, not just their stomach, but their soul as well…with The Bread of Life of course!

But I digress.

To be honest I absolutely LOVE training youth leaders at events like this. At our Dare 2 Share conferences it’s kind of hard to connect with youth leaders. But these kinds of events are made for connecting, communicating and just chillin’ with my youth leader homeboys.

Monday I hit the road again to the north west to do some more youth leader training. I’ll be in Seattle for a Tuesday youth leader luncheon and on Wednesday I’ll be in Portland. Both of these trainings are free and come complete with a tasty lunch! If you are interested in checking out my “How to turn your youth group into a reality series” training session on either day check out this link for more info.

I’ll be in Chicago next week for the same training. 

See you soon!

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