When working with teenagers creativity is a must. If you’re not somewhat creative then your sermon, talk or lesson can be responded to with rolled eyes, heavy sighs and texting fingers.
I’ve seen this first hand as the leader of Dare 2 Share. We travel the nation and equip tens of thousands of teenagers to share their faith. Creativity at our conferences and in our curriculum is a non-negotiable. If the content is not communicated in a creative enough way then teens will tune out (and sometimes walk out!)
I thank God that he has surrounded me with creative people at Dare 2 Share. They work hard to market and produce captivating events and curriculum that are theologically sound, culturally relevant and wonderfully creative.
If all of this talk of creativity sounds a little unspiritual just realize that the first defining characteristic of God is his creativity, “In the beginning God created….” So when we are creative we reflect our Creator in a very elemental way.
With all this as a backdrop here are 10 quick things I do to amp up my creativity:
1. Prayer walks. I get some of my best ideas at the tail end of my prayer walks.
2. Writing retreats. Just finished two days in the mountains brainstorming and writing dramas for our conferences.
3. Watching movies. A good movie can spur some creative juices and trigger great ideas.
4. Working out. If I feel in a creative funk a round of Insanity or P90X can help shake it…or just taking a long walk!
5. Drinking coffee. And all God’s children said?
6. Arguing. Yes, brainstorming and arguing over ideas (in a good way) can help trigger creativity.
7. Taking a long shower. I don’t know why but this works for me.
8. Surrounding myself with creative people. I thank God for my team at Dare 2 Share!
9. Engaging points of view that differ from mine. This means that evangelism can sharpen your creativity!
10. Creating stuff consistently. I’m always creating stuff (new book, new conference tour, new curriculum, new blogpost, etc.) The more you create the more creative you get.
What are some of the things you do to amp up your creativity?