Let’s Go! (Living out The Cause of Christ!)

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Chris Selby is a friend, Dare 2 Share Certified Trainer and Arkansas wild man. He coined a phrase that has stuck with me and many others. It’s “Let’s go!”


He usually has that as a hashtag in his Tweets (#LetsGo) and ends his phone calls, sermons and trainings with it as a reminder. It’s really catchy, a little kitchy and completely Biblical (see Mark 1:35-42.)

So I decided to preach a sermon at Grace Church in Eden Prairie with that as my title. Based on the Gospel Advancing ministry of Jesus this sermon challenges us as believers to “go” by taking three steps: Prayer, Care and Share. Check it out and pass it on!


Lets Go! Living Out the Cause of Christ from Grace Church on Vimeo.

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