Not that there is anything wrong with your momma or her webinar or the fact that she’s probably has no clue of what one is. But the webinar series we are doing #LetsGOspelize is a unique, powerful and dare I say “fun” way to get trained.
During this webinar you can interact with other youth leaders and Dare 2 Share Certified Trainers across the nation in a chat box that every one sees. You can Tweet, you can comment, you can argue, you can affirm, you can mock my choice of shirts (happens more often than you might think).
It’s not only a powerful follow up for those youth leaders who attended the Dare 2 Share Live event, it’s also a powerful primer on how to launch a Gospel Advancing, disciple multiplying ministry for those who did not.
This four week series (which started last week) will give you and your youth ministry team a crash course in Gospel urgency, Gospel fluency and Gospel strategy. You will leave with a fresh understanding of what it means to build a youth ministry that reminds everyone of what the book of Acts is all about. And that burning Gospel ember down in your soul will be fanned and fueled into a raging fire once again!
To sign up for this free webinar click here.