Things that irritate me

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Okay, so this is a rant. Here are some things that irritate me…

  • Fleece, that’s right, fleece. For some reason it hurts my teeth.
  • People that drive slow in the fast lane, fast in a school zone or at all while TM-ing a friend.
  • Bad drivers with poorly written, feel good Christian bumper stickers on their cars.
  • Prosperity gospel preachers (if God multiplies our gifts “one hundred fold” then these guys would be writing checks to charities faster than anybody else!)
  • Preachers who preach grace and then infuse some sort of human effort into their gospel presentations (the “turn or burn, try or fry, forsake or bake” guys)
  • A youth ministry system that fosters fun and games more than truth and mission.
  • “Christian” cutting edge “experts” who offer a rebellion against the church “system” without offering a “rebuilding” plan.
  • People like “me” who use “quote marks” too much.
  • Speaking of that, of all the things that irritate me the most my numero uno irritant of all times is ME! I get tired of myself, my sins, my faithlessness and my frustrations. I’m irritated that I get irritated so much. The good that I want to do I don’t do. The evil that I hate I keep on doing.

Thanks be to God that the Lord Jesus Christ will deliver me from myself and all irritants someday. So what irritates you?

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