Jesus is my “Saver”

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

A few days ago as I was washing dishes my little boy struck up a spiritual conversation. He asked me about Jesus, going to heaven and such. He then said, “Daddy I trust in Jesus as my ‘Saver.'”

I was about to correct his inaccurate term and then I stopped. It struck me that what a Savior does is save. In other words a “Savior” is a “Saver”…a soul saver and life saver (chew on that for a while.)

Jesus has saved me from sin, hopelessness, despair, depression, hell and myself. He has saved me from all these and to so much more…righteousness, mission, community, love and God himself. All who believe in Him alone for salvation are saved from their sin. They are declared righteous in the courtroom of Christ and are adopted into the family of God.

So I have to ask you the question. Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saver?

If not, now is the time. If so, why not start spreading the word about the Saver of your soul?

Radical Like Jesus

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