10 Reasons We Should Love Sharing the Gospel

It is a pleasure to share the Gospel with our friends and family.
Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier
glowing love photo

1.  It gives people true hope in a world full of hopelessness (Romans 5:5).

2.  It saves people from the Hell they’re headed to (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9) and the hell they’re now going through apart from Christ (Ephesians 2:1-3).

3.  It helps people know they were made for a divine purpose (Ephesians 2:10).

4.  It obliterates the stereotypical religious/good deeds approach to God (Titus 3:5).

5.  It’s the best way we can love our neighbors (Mark 12:31).

6.  It sounds too good to be true—but instead, it’s too good and it’s true (Luke 4:43).

7.  It builds the heavenly choir with future worshippers (2 Corinthians 9:12-15).

8.  It forcefully advances the Kingdom of God (Matthew 11:12).

9.  At its core, it’s introducing someone to your best friend and hero (John 1:40-42).

10. Three words: Best. News. Ever. (Luke 2:10-11).

For help in sharing your faith, check out this five-minute video on how to have a Gospel conversation:

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