10 warning signs you may be attending a legalist church

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Church1.  The greeting team looks like they’ve been baptized in lemon juice.

2.  There is a huge emphasis on holiness, but little to no emphasis on grace.

3.  If the pastor ever met The Apostle Paul he would rebuke him for not using The King James Version of the Bible.

4.  Every Gospel invitation ends with “…and now for the bad news….”

5.  Skinny jeans are considered to be part of a Satanic plot to slow us down when we try to run from him.

6.  Before you can be a member, there is a day long inquisition…followed by a potluck.

7.  To get hired as a custodian there, you have to have a seminary degree and two years of ministry experience.

8.  The contemporary service uses a pipe organ (okay, maybe that doesn’t make it legalistic, just grossly out of date!)

9. Taking the youth group swimming includes separate swimming pools and wet suits for everyone…loose ones.

10. The pastor has got a big BUT…”Sure salvation is by faith alone BUT you also have to ______________________.”

What are some other signs you could be at a legalistic church?

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