Ignite Your Youth Group in Just One Day

5 ways Dare 2 Share LIVE could be a game-changer for your youth ministry
Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Dare 2 Share LIVE isn’t just your average, garden-variety youth group experience. So what is it?

It’s a global day of youth evangelism.

It’s a one-day outreach event during which your teens themselves do the reaching out.

It’s a free, video-based youth ministry experience that equips and unleashes teens to put their faith into practice.

It’s a catalytic training that leads teens to make solid decisions to believe in Jesus and serve Him with all of their hearts.

And it’s designed in such a way that you can participate on November 9 along with thousands of groups around the world or you can do it on any day that works for your group.

Here are 5 ways Dare 2 Share LIVE could be a game-changer for your youth group:

1. It will inspire them.

Dare 2 Share LIVE is a fast-moving, highly interactive burst of spiritually charged inspiration. It draws on Dare 2 Share’s 30 years of experience motivating teenagers through conferences, camps, and curriculum and focuses it like a laser on igniting teenagers.

This year, the Dare 2 Share LIVE theme is Play to Win, which will unpack Paul’s charge to Timothy about preaching the Word, fighting for the truth, and winning the reward. All day long, students will learn that God wants them on the team not just when they’re older but right now.

2. It will equip them.

What good is inspiration if it doesn’t lead to transformation? That’s where our training comes into play. Teenagers will be equipped to share the GOSPEL message in a clear and compelling way. We’ll unpack the theology of the Gospel, so that by the time the training is over they can articulate the core message of the Good News of Jesus. They’ll also be trained to use our newly updated faith-sharing app that can help them tell anyone they encounter about the Gospel.

3. It will connect them.

One of the greatest things about Dare 2 Share LIVE is the connections made over the course of the event.

It’s always great when teenagers in the same community connect with other Christian teenagers. Teens need to know they aren’t the only believers at their school who are going to try to reach the teenagers at their school for Christ!

NOTE: Our prayer is that youth leaders will be connected as well. Our goal is that Dare 2 Share LIVE will launch and/or strengthen a Gospel Advancing network of youth leaders in each community who will continue to meet, pray, and collaborate long after the event. Their goal? Every teen, everywhere in their community, hearing the Gospel from a friend! Their prayer? Youth groups across their city packed with new disciples made and multiplied!

But teenagers will also be connected with other communities through the Life in 6 Words app. There’s a “social wall” that allows teenagers to use the Dare2Share LIVE hashtag to see messages, pictures, and videos from teenagers attending the event across the world!

This infuses teenagers with divine confidence that they’re not alone—that they’re part of a bigger army. All over the globe, there’s a revival generation waiting to be connected and unleashed!

4. It will propel them.

Dare 2 Share LIVE is an activation event. I’m fully convinced that one of the challenges with the typical youth conference is the absence of activation. Generation Z are not analyzers as much as they are activators. This is an experiential generation that wants to put feet to their faith and add mission to their meetings.

And that’s exactly what happens at Dare 2 Share LIVE.

Teenagers are activated to pray for, care for, and share with those around them! Teens spend actual time praying in the room for the spiritual transformation of their friends and the revival of their youth groups. They’re unleashed to care for the community through service projects. Finally, they spend time sharing the Good News of Jesus with people in their friend groups and communities.

This brand of activation steels and seals their faith in ways a lecture never would or could.

5. It will empower them.

Teenagers will discover that God wants to use them to reach their own generation for Jesus. As my friends at Word of Life often say:

Every generation has a responsibility to reach their generation for Christ.

Teenagers will also discover the importance of depending on the Holy Spirit as they share their faith. Evangelism provides a crash course on Spirit dependence. Before teens share their faith, they’re asking God (sometimes for the first time) for boldness to proclaim the Good News.

Just as Jesus told His young disciples in Matthew 10 not to worry about what to say but to depend on the Spirit while out sharing the Gospel, your teenagers will learn to walk in full reliance on the Holy Spirit. They’ll discover that He goes with them to empower them for the mission Jesus gave us.

If you’re ready for your teenagers to have a game-changing, Gospel Advancing, soul-transforming experience, then sign your teenagers up for Dare 2 Share LIVE today. Then begin to pray for all the God will do in and through them as they’re trained and activated to share the Good News.

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