10 things I loved about the Chicago #D2SFearless Conference

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

file00020934802131. Lifechangers church (the host church for the conference) got super pumped about the conference (and not just the youth group!) Custodians, executive assistants and even the production department were all excited about evangelism and evangelism training. One custodian lead a dude to Christ walking in off the street! AWESOME!!!

2. Loved working with Esteban and the Streetlights team. These guys are the real deal. They love teenagers, youth leaders and God’s Word!

3. The auditorium was packed full of teenagers. Ain’t nothing like the Spirit of God working in a sold out auditorium full of thousands of teenagers!

4. Hanging out with two of my dear friends from Chi-town Saturday over lunch. Love these guys!

5. Getting to know Branden Gurule from Lifechangers Church. He is serious about advancing God’s kingdom in and around Chicago through an army of teenagers!

6. The response to the drama. Wow! This may be the highest proportionate response to the Gospel we’ve seen at a Dare 2 Share event in the last few years. Hundreds indicated faith in Christ!

7. The youth leader session was popping. The youth leaders here, like in so many of our other cities, are very serious about building Gospel Advancing ministries!

8. Andy McGowan and the Kenosha Allies. If every youth leader networks in America had their Gospelized DNA this nation would already be reached for Jesus!

9. Chicago rocks.

10. Love those mid-western churches. They’re ready to do more than just sit and soak up the Word. They’re ready to share it!

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