Blizzards, Church Vans and our Little Road Trip

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I got the call yesterday at 4pm. A monster storm was heading to Denver and would hit within the next 12-14 hours. Our 10:40am United Flight from Denver to St. Louis had already been cancelled in anticipation of the snow “event”. Two options at this point: try to catch another flight (an unlikely option since United tends to cancel flights in bad weather faster than a preacher can take an offering)or rent a 15 passenger van and road trip it to St. Louie.

As I type these words I am surrounded by much of the Dare 2 Share conference team. We have been on the road since 9pm last night (it’s now 8:43am) and have a few hours to go before we reach our final destination. We are all exhausted, disheveled and a bit gamey.

My wife called me this morning and assured me that we made the right decision. Schools all over Denver are being cancelled and the weather channel is saying that this storm “could be one for the ages.” That’s right, a giant blizzard is about to hit Denver hard and fast.

To be honest it’s kind of fun. I feel like a youth leader again and all my “rowdy kids” are the Dare 2 Share conference crew. We even have a few adult “sponsors” Lyn Anderson and David Teraberry to keep us all in line. It kind of smells in the van…a little musty to say the least. But we just ate at Cracker Barrel and have had a lot of fun so far.

Pray for the conference this weekend. We have over 8,000 teenagers already registered and could see close to 9,000 teens in total with those who sign up at the door. That’s a potential army of Jesus loving, gospel sharing evangelists who come from all over the midwest and could be used to strike a revival of Biblical proportions all across America.

God is up to something big. We are more than willing to drive 14 hours to see what it is.

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