10 things I LOVED about the Seattle #D2SFearless Conference

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Fearless---SEA1. The teenagers were pumped! From backstage we could hear the buzz of a few thousands teenagers getting ready to make a huge impact on Seattle for Jesus!

2. The Digital Age. It was our first time traveling with this band. They are humble, friendly and excellent at leading students in worship!

3. The Seahawks fans. That’s right. For this week (and this week only) I gave up my distaste for all things green and blue to cheer for the Hawks. Why? Because I can’t bring myself to root for the “Deflatriots” and I have never seen more rabid fans (and I’m from Denver!) On the way to the airport this morning thousands of fans assembled and cheered the Seahawks on streets and overpasses. It was quite a sight to see.

4. “The Group Hug” It was just an illustration of the Trinity I used on Saturday morning but I had no idea how well it would go!

5. Youth Leader Commitments. Over 70 youth leaders said yes to building a Gospel Advancing Ministry, 40+ said they would build one and multiply more in their communities and 20+ were still processing what they would do (I appreciate them counting the cost!)

6. Billy Hitchcock coming back on tour. After being hit by a truck going 70 mph while walking in a parking lot it didn’t look like Billy would make it. Not only did he make it but he’s back on tour as part of the volunteer staff with Dare 2 Share.

7. Hearing from teenagers who used the brand new Life in 6 Words app. We are super stoked about this sharp and easy-to-use evangelistic app. And we released it at the Seattle Dare 2 Share conference!

8. Dino Miciano and his crew of amazing volunteers! His family and church family helped to make this an excellent weekend as amazing volunteers. They are living and leading The Cause here and in the Philippines!

9. Our new actresses. They are students from Valor Christian High School and they killed it! They can act, sing and dance!

10. The response time. God moved in a powerful way on Friday night in Seattle. Lots of souls saved. Lots of commitments made.

What did you love about the Seattle #D2SFearless Conference?

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