My first American Idol Encounter

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Okay, so I watch American Idol, not every episode, but most of them. I am one of the countless fans who who tune in weekly to see who is going to make it through to the next round. My wife and I DVR it so that we can fast forward through all the goofy sing alongs, slapped together Ford videos and witless banter amongst the judges.

After I preached at Epicenter yesterday Rose Flack, an 18 year old girl that made it through to the Hollywood round of AI, walked by our Dare 2 Share booth. I don’t exactly know what she was doing there (to sing for the youth leaders?) I stopped her and asked her if she would send a message to my wife on video. She didn’t hesitate. Sweet girl.

This Idaho native has a heartbreaking story: Her father passed away when she was 13; her mom died two years later. In the hustle and bustle and “hey isn’t that the girl from American Idol” shout outs from passing youth leaders, I only had a few short seconds to talk to her about her relationship with the Lord. Sounds like her spiritual journey just recently began and that she is seeking to learn more. So I gave her a copy of Venti Jesus and she promised to read it.

Pray for her. I get the sense she truly wants to dig deeper into the Christian faith. It’s pretty cool that, in the middle of the buzz around her, she stopped and talked to me about her spiritual life, even if it was only for a brief time. Goes to show you that all the glitter and glamour of Hollywood and American Idol can never solve the spiritual crisis of the soul. Sorry Simon. Only Jesus can bring true and lasting satisfaction, and he never wears an embarrassingly tight black t shirt.

My wife was a big fan of Rose making it through into the finals and was bummed when she got voted off. Anyway, because of the shout out I asked Rose to give my wife on video I just climbed up the cool husband ladder by a few rungs. And, with my travel schedule lately, I need all the help I can get!

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