10 Christian websites that should NOT be launched

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

1. PreEverything.com…a website for pre-trib, pre-mill, pre-everything Christians to chat up pre-subjects.

2. JustSettle.com…a dating website for Christian singles who are tired of trying to find Mr/Miss Right and are ready to settle for anyone with a pulse.

3. Baptacostals.com…Do you secretly enjoy TBN but attend a Baptist church? Do you raise just one hand during worship? Have you secretly purchased anointing oil but are too afraid to use it? If so, you’ll love this site!

4. DoubleYourOfferings.org…a website for preachers

5. The6thPurpose.com…a site that uncovers the secret 6th purpose of the church that Rick Warren has kept under lock and key for years now.

6. YourBestLifeLater.org…a website for Christians who are too lazy to have it now.

7. WhenHarryMetSatan.com…a site for anti-Harry Potter Christians to connect.

8. EmergentKingJamesOnly.com…Are you tired of fundamentalists but addicted to the King James version of the Bible? Then this site is for thee!

9. OctagonEvangelism.com…A site for UFC fighters who evangelize. People who accept the gospel get Jesus. The others get Moses…right upside the head.

10. TurnOrBurn.com…a new evangelistic website designed to reach postmoderns with a message of hope or hell.

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