10 reasons I love mobilizing teens to share the gospel…

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

1. They are twitchy (just like the early disciples!)
2. Teens are looking for a cause to live for (and this is the ultimate one!)
3. The average teenagers has a ton of online and face-to-face friends to share with (100+!)
4. Teens have more influence to reach their friends for Christ than a stranger does (100xs!)
5. The gospel can heal their deepest hurts (1 Corinthians 1:18.)
6. The gospel can meet their deepest needs (John 4:13,14.)
7. The gospel can reach the worst of sinners (Romans 1:16.)
8. Spreading the gospel helps eradicate poverty and teens are all over that (Luke 19:1-10.)
9. Spreading the gospel accelerates social justice and teens are all over that too (Luke 19:1-10.)
10. Teens will take dangerous, unrealistic challenges (just like the one Jesus left us in Matthew 28:18-20!)

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