1. Put them in situations where they have something to risk (mission trips, evangelistic outreaches, etc.) Matthew 10:38
2. Make prayer the engine not the caboose in your discipleship strategy. Philippians 1:9-11
3. Teach them something from the Bible, then go and apply it right away. James 1:22
4. Model an authentic Christian walk personally. Luke 6:40
5. Recruit adult sponsors who make disciples that make disciples. 2 Timothy 2:2
6. Teach teenagers how to have an effective, consistent quiet time (prayer, Bible study, meditation, etc.) 2 Timothy 2:15
7. Train your teens to walk in a moment-by-moment dependence on Jesus. John 15:5
8. Program for the many but pour your life into the few (and willing!) Matthew 13:1-23
9. Challenge and equip parents to take the lead for the spiritual development of their own kids. Deuteronomy 6:5-9
10. Inspire and equip them to share their faith with their friends. This will steel and seal their faith! Philemon 6