10 ways to help your teens grow deeper in their faith

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

1. Put them in situations where they have something to risk (mission trips, evangelistic outreaches, etc.) Matthew 10:38

2. Make prayer the engine not the caboose in your discipleship strategy. Philippians 1:9-11

3. Teach them something from the Bible, then go and apply it right away. James 1:22

4. Model an authentic Christian walk personally. Luke 6:40

5. Recruit adult sponsors who make disciples that make disciples. 2 Timothy 2:2

6. Teach teenagers how to have an effective, consistent quiet time (prayer, Bible study, meditation, etc.) 2 Timothy 2:15

7. Train your teens to walk in a moment-by-moment dependence on Jesus. John 15:5

8. Program for the many but pour your life into the few (and willing!) Matthew 13:1-23

9. Challenge and equip parents to take the lead for the spiritual development of their own kids. Deuteronomy 6:5-9

10. Inspire and equip them to share their faith with their friends. This will steel and seal their faith! Philemon 6

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