5 ideas for sharing the gospel this summer

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

1. Host a neighborhood barbecue and use that time to make new friends and spark spiritual conversations (aka “Drop the J Bomb“).

2. View the wedding receptions and the family reunions you attend this summer as opportunities to bring the gospel up naturally. I attended one yesterday and was able to have several gospel-centered conversations without much effort. The key? Pray for natural opportunities to open up before you go.

3. Build it into your family vacation experience. Make it your prayer and goal to share the gospel at least one time each day. Have fun doing it (remember the gospel means “good news!)

4. Invite unreached classmates, teammates, neighbors, co-workers or friends to do some summer activities with you this summer (fishing, water parks, hiking, amusement parks, etc.) Turn the conversation, at some point, toward Jesus.

5. Ask someone to view the Life in 6 Words GOSPEL video and ask them what they thought of it. This website has become one of my primary tools in spreading the gospel this summer. Forward the link and then follow up with a conversation.

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