1. The gospel is the best news ever (the gospel actually means “good news!”)
2. It’s what Jesus tells us to do (He commands us to “Go and make disciples…” and that starts with sharing your faith!)
3. Sharing your faith is a privilege! (He could have written the gospel in the skies, unleashed the angels to declare it or made all dogs bark John 3:16. But instead he entrusted it to us! 1 Thessalonians 2:4.)
4. It’s the ultimate way that you can “love your neighbor.” (Friends don’t let friends die without Christ!)
5. It saves people from hell (“Snatch others from the flames and save them….” Jude 23.)
Here’s a simple way you can share your faith today in a non-threatening way. Send somebody the link to www.gospeljourney.com, ask them to watch the 5 minute video and then talk to them about it!
However you choose to do it, share your faith today!