5 simple ways to make the gospel a bigger priority in your meetings

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

1. Give the gospel every week.

When you give the gospel weekly you are making a statement. You are letting your teenagers know that they will never graduate from the cross, that the same gospel that saves them sanctifies them and that anytime they bring an unreached friend they will hear the gospel. Giving the gospel weekly helps our teens to know who they are in Christ. It also challenges them to bring their friends out to youth group so they can experience the good news too.

2. Relentlessly spend time in prayer for unreached friends.

When intercessory prayer for the lost becomes a bigger priority in your weekly youth group meeting it “missionizes” everything. Teaching teens to pray and giving them that opportunity is essential for both the spiritual growth of your teenagers (Philippians 1:9-11) and the numerical growth of your youth group (Acts 2:47.)

3. Take communion together.

Different faith traditions do this differently but, if your’s allows it, do it! There’s nothing like taking communion together and remembering what Jesus has done for us on the cross. This time of Savior and self-reflection can be a powerful time of “gospelizing” your youth ministry. Whether it’s once a month, quarter or whenever the Spirit leads, consider making communion part of your youth ministry routine.

4. Share stories about the Gospel’s impact every week.

At Dare 2 Share we call this “taking 5 for THE Cause.” Others call it “Pause for THE Cause.” Whatever you call it, do it. Take a few minutes out to have students share stories (good, bad or ugly) about reaching out to others with the good news of Jesus. Do this and it will make the gospel a growing youth ministry priority.

5. Make a “Gospel wall” in your youth group.

You can find out what this is all about here.

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