A Blaze of Glory

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

“Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never fall, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:10,11

Two dear friends, Bob and Elaine Dawson, died two weeks ago in a tragic plane crash. I’m sure that they received “a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Bob was 71 years old and Elaine was 69.

I talked to Bob just a few days before he died and now he and Elaine are dead. I’m still stunned. I miss them greatly.

Bob was flying his plane and crashed into a mountain at an elevation of 11,000 feet. Nobody really knows what happened. There was no “May Day” call from the plane and nobody, as far as I know anyway, witnessed anything from the ground. But one thing we do know is that they went out of this life like they lived it, in a blaze of glory, God’s glory.

Bob and Elaine have been supporters of our ministry for the last twelve years. Every week or two I would call them up and give them prayer requests for the ministry. Elaine especially loved to receive these prayer requests. She was an extremely passionate and effective intercessor for our ministry.

Both Bob and Elaine had a huge heart for the mission of Dare 2 Share. They wanted to see teenagers everywhere reached with the good news of Jesus Christ. I feel like I’ve lost, not only two really good friends, but two amazing champions for THE Cause.

Please pray for their two sons. Please pray for their friends and family. And please pray for the two memorial services (one in Denver tomorrow and the other in Tucson on September 10th.) I’m going to the service in Denver and sharing at the service in Tucson. I will tell stories about their passion for God, their excitement for life and, of course, share the gospel message that they loved so much with everyone who is present.

I wrote this poem in memory of Bob and Elaine.

“So quickly you left this earthly life.
No hospice bed or earthly strife.
But in a flash you both were gone
Into eternity, the great beyond.

You left us here with no goodbyes,
No time to hug you tight or cry,
No time to express our thanksgiving
For the joy you gave us in your living.

Bob you made us laugh with your jokes,
A new one liner whenever you spoke.
But underneath your fun loving smile
Was a man who would go the extra mile.

Elaine you loved to listen and to talk.
You loved your friends and loved your God.
You’d hear us through and then ask to pray
For whatever we were struggling with on that day.

You lived your lives like you left this one
In a blaze of glory for the Son.
And into his presence you both now go
With lives well lived carried in tow.

Arm in arm you enter heaven’s gates
You could never prepare for what awaits.
The throngs of heaven line streets of gold
Of your godly lives they’ve all been told.

Your rich welcome you now receive
As crowds eternal applaud and sing
But the best reward comes from the Son
When He looks at you and says, ‘Well done!’

The lives you lived will be remembered.
Your legacy won’t be surrendered.
We’ll think often of you and your story
And live our lives in that same blaze of glory.”

I miss you Bob and Elaine.

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