Not again…another school shooting in Littleton

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Columbine flashbacks.

Almost eleven years after the tragedy at Columbine High School a lone gunman unleashed two bullet from a 30-6 Rifle into two teenagers at Deer Creek Middle School in Littleton, Colorado. One is in critical condition. The other was released last night.

My heart breaks for these two teenagers and for the hundreds upon hundreds of teens at this school who will never be the same. Their innocence lost at the sound of two blasts and at the sight of their friends getting hurt.

But thank God for math teachers. Dr. David Benke tackled the shooter while he was reloading. And then other teachers piled on. I’m married to a public school teacher and I thank God that, since Columbine, teachers like Dr. Benke are saying, “No more. Not at my school.”

These teens need hope now more than ever. These teens need Jesus now more than ever.

Pray with me for the students at Deer Creek Middle School. Pray for the teenager who is currently struggling to recover at Children’s hospital. And, yes, pray for the lone gunman to come to Jesus and receive the redemption he so desperately needs.

And please, I beg you, pray that God raises up a generation of teen evangelists who reach their friends with the good news of Jesus Christ so that young people across the United States can say with the Apostle Paul, “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Philippians 1:21

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